
Welcome to Cardiac R Network

Our practitioners host events and run programs related to the restorative practices of self healing for kids and adults.
Working Hours
Monday - Friday 09:00AM - 17:00PM
Saturday - Sunday CLOSED

There are some pre requisites to participate in the CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification which include:


2.1 The cost of the CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification. is $            including GST (the Course Fee).

2.2 You may pay the Course Fee either:

  1. Upfront with a deposit of $1,000.00 payable upon enrolment (non-refundable) , with the balance prior to the course commencing (the Payment Date); or
  2. Payment plan – by instalments as follows: a deposit of $1,000.00 payable upon enrolment(non-refundable); i.an amount of $         by the Payment Date; and               by the second day of each of                       . (Payment Plan).
  3. If you elect to pay the Course Fee in accordance with the Payment Plan under clause 2.2.b), you will be charged an additional administration fee of $133.00 including GST (Administrative Fee). The Administrative Fee must be paid by equal monthly instalments and is included in the Payment Plan payments.
  4. If you fail to make a payment under the Payment Plan as set out in clause 2.2.b), your online access to the Modules will be blocked.

3.1 The CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification. will be conducted via the internet, in a face to face workshop or a combination of the two. It is your responsibility to ensure you are able to access the internet to download, complete and submit all materials, exercises, assessments and readings.

3.2 The CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification comprises the following Modules:

  1. Module 1 – The CARDIAC R Philosophy and theoretical framework
  2. Module 2 – Functional nutrition
  3. Module 2 – Functional movement
  4. Module 3 – Functional thought
  5. Module 4 – the business focus
  6. Module 5 – the personal focus
  7. Module 6 –

3.3 Each Module   comprises   both   lessons   and   online   assessments.   You   are responsible for completing all lessons and assessments for each Module.

3.4 Upon your successful completion of a Module, the subsequent Module will be released to you for completion.

3.3 The CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification. is a twelve (12) month online course; however, you may take up to two (2) years to complete it. Access to the course will expire after this date, unless an extension is granted prior to this date.


4.1 All materials required for the CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification will be supplied to you either in electronic form or as a hard copy manual depending on your leaning method in accordance with clause 3.1.


5.1 Once your signed Enrolment Form has been:

a)received by our AdministrationOfficer; or

b)submitted by you online, you will be deemed to have accepted, and be bound by:

c)these Terms and Conditions; and

  1. d) the terms of payment in which you have elected to pay the Course Fee under clause 2.2.

6.1 The $1,000 deposit is non-refundable.

6.2 Refunds are not available unless evidence for special circumstances is provided to Cardiac R  and a refund is agreed to be made at the Education Coordinator’s discretion.

6.3 Refunds will only be offered for the modules that have not been accessed by you, with consideration to the time that you have been enrolled into the course No refund will be available for the Modules that have been accessed or partially completed.


7.1 The CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification is not transferable.


8.1 If you have a grievance or complaint, you are able to contact the Education Coordinator on support@www.intuitiveleadershipacademy.com.au

All grievances and complaints will be treated with confidentiality and will not be detrimental to the student initiating the grievance or complaint.


9.1 The CARDIAC R network is committed to integrating access and equality principles within all services that it provides to its students.

9.2 If you feel you have been discriminated against, you are able to contact the Education Coordinator on support@www.intuitiveleadershipacademy.com.au


10.1 The CARDIAC R network website may contain links to other websites (linked websites). Those links are provided for convenience only and may not remain current or be maintained. The CARDIAC R network is not responsible for the content or privacy practices associated with the linked websites. CARDIAC R network linked websites   should   not   be   interpreted   as   an   endorsement, approval   or recommendation by CARDIAC R network of the owners or operators of those linked websites, or of any products, information, graphics, materials or services referred to or contained on those linked websites, unless stipulated otherwise by the CARDIAC R network.


11.1 A   certificate   of   completion   will   be   forwarded   to   you   upon   the   successful completion of the CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification.


12.1 Unless The CRADIAC R Network agrees otherwise in writing, the online access granted to you and the materials provided to you to complete the CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification intended for your personal use only. You are authorised to print a copy of any information contained in the CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification unless such printing is expressly prohibited. Without limited the foregoing, you may not without our permission on sell the information obtained via the CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification


13.1 Any rights and/or remedies which are conferred by law, and cannot be excluded, but can Be restricted or modified, including but not limited to the Competition and Consumers Act 2010 (Cth) and the Australian Consumer Law, these terms and conditions do not operate to exclude those rights and remedies, however, to the extent that those rights and remedies can be restricted or modified, these terms and conditions will restrict or modify them to the extent that is lawfully permitted.

13.2 Notwithstanding any clause in these terms and conditions, and to the extent permitted by law, the maximum liability which CARDIAC R will be liable for is the amount of the Course Fee (excluding GST) relating to the modules which have not been completed by you.


14.1 You agree to indemnify and keep indemnified The CARDIAC R Network in respect of all legal proceedings, claims, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, expenses, charges and/or costs however arising which may be incurred by Changing Habits in connection with:

  1. a) you breaching these terms and conditions;
  2. b) your failure to pay any relevant fees (including but not limited to taxes, duties, levies or GST); and

c)any misleading statement or omission by you or your agent, officer or employee in relation to these terms and conditions.

  1. that you hold legal and beneficial ownership of the commodity; 1 5.


15.1 As a participant in the CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification we will be retaining personal details and records that you have provided to us in relation to your participation in the CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification. These records will include:

a)Student Enrolment Form;

b)Information relevant to financial transactions;

c)Certification –copies of certificates;

d)Record of the   Education   Program   commencement   and   completion dates;

e)Assessments completed and assessment results;

f)Assessor notes of student outcomes for each module;

g)Communications with students that may impact on the outcome of assessments or student participation in training or assessment;

h)Moderation,   validation   and   continuous   improvement   records   for assessment, training and delivery; and

i) Organisational documentation regarding compliance with our Accrediting bodies.

15.2 These records will be used for the primary purpose of delivering the CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification. This may involve the following related purposes:

a)Administrating the CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification you are enrolled in;

b) To correspond with you;

c) To   inform   you   about   your   program   and   other   Changing   Habits programs/events;

d)Issuing Certificates;

e)Processing financial transactions, providing refunds and other financial dealings with students;

f)To facilitate and enable opportunities in the CARDIAC R community engagement, work-integrated learning activities and student-to-student learning;

g)To contact you for the purpose of seeking your feedback in relation to benchmarking, analyses, quality assurance and planning activities;

h)Collecting feedback, opportunity for improvement and other feedback on the operation of the CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification;

i)Taking action to address feedback and complaints on the delivery of the CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification and other operational matters;

j)Meeting legislative requirements; and

k)To use the information as otherwise permitted by the privacy laws.

15.3 We will ensure that all of these records are stored securely in an electronic format and in some cases, hard copy. We will carry out our processes to maintain records that are:

a) accurate, complete and up to date;

b) protected   from   misuse,   loss,   unauthorized   access,   modification   or disclosure; and

c)destroyed or de-identified when and as required by internal procedures and relevant external legislation.

15.4 All records will also be kept in a manner that will ensure privacy of your information. The CARDIAC R Network will not distribute any information about any student to others unless with written approval from the student concerned. The students’ privacy will be protected at all times. All student files are confidential and for use within the organisation only.

15.5 The   information   collected   may   be   disclosed   to   the   following   types   of organisations:

a)government departments such as the Australian Taxation Office;

b)external organisations such as professional bodies involved in quality assurance and accrediting our CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification;

c)The CARDIAC R associated entities;

d)Contracted service providers which CARDIAC R uses to perform services on its behalf (such as recruitment and course administration, financial institutions, marketing, logistics and IT service providers). Some of our service providers are located outside of Australia and, as a result, personal information collected and held by The CARDIAC R Network may be transferred outside Australia;

e) The CARDIAC R  legal advisers or other professional advisers and consultants engaged by the organisation; and

f)In the event of an emergency, police, medical or hospital personnel, civil emergency services, your legal representative or nominated emergency contact person, or other person assessed as necessary to respond to the emergency.

15.6 Should you wish to access your own information at any time, please provide your request in writing to the Education Coordinator on email at support@www.intuitiveleadershipacademy.com.au and allow for one week’s notice for your request to be actioned.


16.1 Time of the essence. Time is of the essence in respect to the parties’ obligations under these terms and conditions unless otherwise is agreed to.

16.2 Assignment. A party may only assign these terms and conditions or a right under these terms and conditions with the consent of the other party.

16.3 Entire agreement. These terms and conditions embody the entire agreement between you and The CARDIAC R Network.

16.4 Governing law and jurisdiction Western Australian law governs these terms and conditions.

16.5 Severability

  1. A clause or part of a clause of these terms and conditions that is illegal or unenforceable may be severed from this document and the remaining clauses or parts of the clause in this document will continue in force.
  2. If any provision is or becomes illegal, unenforceable or invalid in any jurisdiction, it is to be treated as being severed from this document in the relevant jurisdiction, but the rest of these terms and conditions will not be affected.

16.6 Notice

Any notice or instruction under these terms and conditions can be made via email to the relevant email you have provided to The CARDIAC R Network and vice versa with the email that The CARDIAC R Network has provided to you.

16.7 Relationship of the parties

You acknowledge that these terms and conditions do not create any relationship of trust or partnership between you and The CARDIAC R Network.


The CARDIAC R Network means LIVDAV Pty Ltd trading as The CARDIAC R Network.

CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification means the nutrition course conducted by The CARDIAC R Network and scheduled to commence on              .

Education   Coordinator means   the   education   coordinator   for   the   time   being   of CARDIAC R Network

Enrolment Form means the enrolment form submitted by you online.

GST means a tax imposed or assessed under GST Law. GST Law means A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) (as amended) and all related legislation.

Modules means the modules of the Changing Habits Nutrition Course outlined in clause

3.2. You, your means the student who has applied for and been accepted by CARDIAC R Network into the CARDIAC R Intuitive Leadership coaching certification on these Terms and Conditions